The Three Founders Of Kindred Grove Apparel

Hi everyone! Like most close-knit families, us sisters have spent every second of our childhood attached to the hip. The twins, Jenna + Bekah, have automatically been side by side for everything. The oldest sister in our family, Marissa, is basically the third twin and we wouldn't have it any other way.

The meaning behind Kindred Grove has a special place in each of our hearts. The street we were born and raised on, Walling Grove Rd, helped shape so many of the memories of our childhood that we hold so dear. "Kindred" as some of you may know, is another way of saying "one's family" or "intertwined souls". We couldn't think of a better name to bring this dream to life while keeping it special and personal.

We've all shared a passion for all things fashion and our dreams are finally coming true. We have been working so hard to make Kindred Grove the store we have always dreamed of since we were little girls. We can't wait to see what God has in store for us and our exciting journey! 



Bekah, Jenna, and Marissa







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